Criminal Justice
2 concentrations:
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice, International Studies
*A foreign language is not required for the CJ majors but it is STRONGLY recommended.
CJC courses that will transfer for equivalent credit from a NC community college:
CJC 111
CJC 121
CJC 132
CJC 141
**Any other CJC courses taken will transfer as elective credit only.
What can you do with this major?
The criminal justice program offers undergraduate students an opportunity to pursue studies leading to law school, graduate school or a career in the administration of justice. Although many criminal justice graduates attend law school, an increasing number are choosing other areas of graduate work as well. Students with a degree in criminal justice often elect to do their graduate work in criminal or public administration. However, they can also pursue graduate degrees in any behavioral or social science including political science, sociology, or psychology. Those who seek employment after completing their degree requirements have generally good prospects in such areas as correctional counseling, court administration, law enforcement and private security.