Get Involved
Transfer Admissions & Engagement Events & Programming: We plan and provide events designed to help transfer students engage and connect to other students, learn about Appalachian resources, and become part of the campus community. Visit our Engage site for upcoming events!
Transfer Student Center: The Transfer Student Center, located in Mountain Laurel Hall (MLH), provides transfer students a space to gather, socialize, study, find support, relax, and learn of campus resources. The center provides a unique space for students to participate in events and programming that create new connections and build their circle of support.
Transfer Student Organization (TSO): TSO is open to all transfer students. Besides regular club meetings, past events include a trip to Biltmore, heading to a football game together, cornmaze and Halloween party, and hiking trips. Meetings are held twice a month. Come out and meet other students in a fun low-stress environment. Visit their TSO Engage Page or TSO Facebook Page for more information.
Tau Sigma Transfer Honor Society: Tau Sigma recognizes and promotes academic excellence among Appalachian transfer students. Membership in this national honor society is extended to transfer students who brought in at least one full years' academic credits and who achieve a 3.5 GPA or higher after their first semester (full-time students only) at App State. Visit the Tau Sigma Engage Page for more information.
Omega Nu Lambda Honor Society (ONL): Omega Nu Lambda is a national collegiate honor society exclusively for online students assisting our App State Online students have a better experience by acknowleding their academic achievements, encouraging them through scholarship opportunities and creating connectivity through community with other Omega Nu Lambda members. Membership in this national honor society is extended to online students who have completed 15 hours through App State Online with a cummulative GPA of 3.2 or better. Visit the ONL Engage site for more information.
Student Veterans Association: Assists all student veterans (both actively serving and separated/retired) transition to students life through advocacy, communication/networks sharing, special counsel, and open forums. Visit their webpage or Engage for more information.
Walker College of Business Transfer Club: Connects transfer students majoring in business to academic and social resources available to them in the College of Business. Visit their Engage Page for more information.
Non-Traditional Student Support: Connect with other students who arrive at App and are 25 years old or older, married, with dependents, or as a veteran/active duty. Visit our page for more information.
Engage: Engage is Appalachian’s one-stop campus connector to leadership and involvement. Explore our 450+ clubs and organizations and find out when campus events and club meetings are occurring. See a club you like, click “join now”, and be notified of their upcoming events and activities! Log in today!
Support & Resources
Transfer Admissions & Engagement: Our office is the go-to place for questions you may have as well as support, events, and retention efforts for transfer students. We are available in person, via email, or the phone. We provide referrals, advice, and caring people to talk to.
Transfer Scoop: During the fall and spring semesters transfer students will receive a weekly email newsletter, the Transfer Scoop, full of important dates and information, events, and transfer tips.
Transfer Student Mentors: One of the success stories of helping transfer students is the students themselves. The Transfer Student Mentors (TSMs) are a group of transfer students who have successfully transferred to Appalachian. They assist incoming transfer students by providing information and helping students get connected with the Appalachian campus.
Faculty Transfer Mentors: Faculty Transfer Mentors develop supportive, academic relationships with prospective and new Appalachian transfer students. Faculty mentors will provide help in understanding the curriculum and the student’s remaining required coursework as well as provide guidance, support, and referral to resources that will benefit new students in a new environment.
Belk Library Transfer Resource: The Library provides transfer students with a specific transfer library guide to assist you in your academic pursuits at App State. Students can schedule a RAP (Research Advisory Program) session where librarians provide one-on-one, in-depth research assistance. An online video on Library Orientation for Transfer Students is available to get you started. Belk Library also has subject specific librarians to help you with your research.
Mental Well Being Resources: The Counseling Center offers therapy groups specifically for transfer students. Understanding Self and Others for Transfer Students provides a peers' persepctive on various issues transfer students encounter while recognizing that you are not alone. Contact the Counseling Center for an intial consultation to see if you would benefit from this group.
University Resources
Appalachian provides many resources to help students succeed. If there is a resource not listed please reach out to Transfer Admissions & Engagement and we will try to help you locate the support you need.
Petitioning for Equivalent Credit
A student may petition to have any course designated as Elective credit equated to a specific App State course, by initiating the Transfer Coursework Petition process.
Visiting Coursework
Students can request to take courses away from Appalachian through the Visiting Coursework request. Failure to request prior permission may result in the course(s) not being accepted.
Celebrate Your Success Stories!
We love telling your stories! Of the incredible opportunities you have encountered and taken advantage of since transferring to App State that is changing you and your life's trajectory - leadership positions, study abroad trips, internship experiences, research opportunities, volunteering, lifelong friendships, mentorships with our faculty or staff, etc. We know your path to App State wasn't straight but you kept working hard; and we would love the opportunity to share your story and your journey! Submit your story:
Student Submission
Faculty/Staff Submission for a Transfer Student
Alumni Submission