The Management degree is offered on the main campus in Boone or through AppState Online (ASO). The ASO program is 100% online.
Appalachian State University’s Management (BSBA) degree provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively and efficiently manage organizations to get the best out of their employees and to achieve strategic goals.
This includes learning how to attract and retain talented employees, and ensure that their activities are aligned with strategic objectives – both in existing companies and in new start-up ventures. Management majors also gain valuable leadership and interpersonal skills, along with an understanding of group dynamics – which, together, are the skills that truly define effective managers.
Beginning Summer 2021 the CIS department will no longer accept CIS 110 from NC Community Colleges as an equivalent of CIS 1060; instead the course will be articulated as CS 1410 (2) and CS Elec (1). The course will still count for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 transfer students.
Main Campus Transfer Guide/BDP
Automatic substitutions:
College of Business (COB) will accept any Calculus course (must have “Calculus” in the title; not “Pre-Calc”) transferred from another school with at least 3 hours credit.
If MAT 263 not offered, students can take MAT 271 to meet COB Calculus requirements
MAT 152 transfers as STT 2820 and substitutes for ECO 2100
Admission to COB:
2.6 GPA on 12+ hours at Appalachian
No more than five upper level business courses can be taken prior to admission to the COB
Courses recommended to be completed at community college:
MAT 152
MAT 263 or 271 (see note above)
BUS 115
ACC 120 & 121
ECO 251 & 252
*BUS 110 is not required for any business majors at Appalachian.
Online Transfer Guide/BDP
Requires admission to the University and the program cohort.
Program cohort admission requirements:
Minimum of 67 transfer credit hours
Appalachian's general education complete
ACC 2100 (ACC 120) -ACC 2110 (ACC 121) -LAW 2150 (BUS 115) -ECO 2030 (ECO 251) -ECO 2040 (ECO 252) -ECO 2100 (MAT 151, 152, 155 or BUS 228) -MAT 1030, MAT 1035 or MAT 1110 (MAT 263 or 271)
Program admits for fall & spring
Fall: April 1 Priority; July 1 Final
Spring: Sept 1 Priority; October 1 Final