A Faculty Transfer Mentor is a faculty or staff member interested in developing supportive, academic relationships with prospective and new Appalachian transfer students. Mentors, ideally in the student's area of study, will provide help in understanding the curriculum and the student's remaining required coursework as well as provide guidance, support, and referral to resources that will benefit new students in a new environment. Mentors have the ability to influence, encourage, and guide transfer students to enhance their academic success.
Faculty & Staff: Interested in becoming a Mentor? Learn more here!
Below is a list of our current mentors:
Department | First | Last | Phone | Concentration | |
Accounting | Ken | Brackney | brackneyks@appstate.edu | 828-262-6210 | |
Rebecca | Hutchins | kaenzigr@appstate.edu | 828-262-6207 | ||
Naomi | Faw | fawns@appstate.edu | 828-262-8779 |
| |
Robin | Romanus | romanusrn@appstate.edu | 828-262-6204 | ||
Anthropology | Marc | Kissel | kisselm@appstate.edu | 828-262-6713 | |
Applied Design | Richard | Prisco | priscors@appstate.edu | 828-262-2464 | Industrial Design |
Nimet | Degirmencioglu | degirm@appstate.edu | 828-262-8684 | Apparel Design & Marketing | |
Art | Jeana | Klein | kleinje@appstate.edu | 828-262-2891 | Studio Art |
Brooke | Hofsess | hofsessba@appstate.edu | 828-262-7271 | Art Education | |
| Lisa | Stinson | stinsonlm@appstate.edu | 828-262-2567 | BFA Studio |
Daniel | Cole | coledt1@appstate.edu | 828-262-8184 | Art History | |
Brian | Bookwalter | bookwalterbe@appstate.edu | 828-262-7049 | Commercial Photography | |
Heather | Waldroup | waldrouphl@appstate.edu | 828-262-7476 | Art History, Art Management, BA Studio | |
Arts & Sciences Dean's Office | Kathy | Henson | hensonmk@appstate.edu | 828-262-2689 | Advisor |
Diana | Nelson | nelsondj@appstate.edu | 828-262-7465 | Director, Advising & Support Services | |
Astronomy | Mike | Briley | brileymm@appstate.edu | 828-262-4956 | |
Elise | Waever | weavereo@appstate.edu | 828-262-2212 | ||
Biology | Shea | Tuberty | tubertysr@appstate.edu | 828-262-6857 | |
Darren | Seals | sealsdf@appstate.edu | 828-262-2675 | ||
Rachel | Bleich | bleichrm@appstate.edu | 828-262-6742 | ||
Krissy | Johnson | johnsonkm7@appstate.edu | 828-262-8851 | ||
Erin | Young | younge1@appstate.edu | 828-262-6922 | ||
Lynn | Siefferman | sieffermanlm@appstate.edu | 828-262-7082 | ||
Andrew | Bellemer | bellemerac@appstate.edu | 828-262-6923 | ||
Brantley Risk & Insurance Center | Dillon | Waschenbach | washchenbachd@appstate.edu | 828-262-6179 | |
Business, College of/Advising | Elizabeth | Jones | jonesea@appstate.edu | 828-262-2700 | |
Beth | Watts | wattsbl@appstate.edu | 828-262-2700 | ||
Business, College of/BB&T | Veronica | Lozano-Toub | lozanotoubvm@appstate.edu | 828-262-7455 | |
Annie | Love | loveam2@appstate.edu | 828-262-2057 | ||
Amy | Odom | odomah1@appstate.edu | 828-262-8119 | ||
Chemistry | Amanda | Howell | howellac@appstate.edu | 828-262-2757 | |
Carol | Babyak | babyakcm@appstate.edu | 828-262-2756 | ||
Bridget | Tuberty | tubertybi@appstate.edu | 828-262-6113 | ||
Wendy | Lewis | lewiswl2@appstate.edu | 828-262-8181 | ||
Liyana | Ariyadasa | ariyadasala@appstate.edu | 828-262-2975 | ||
Child Development, Literacy, and Special Education | Denise | Brewer | brewerdm@appstate.edu | 828-262-7966 | Child Development |
Aftynne | Cheek | cheekae1@appstate.edu | 828-262-7833 | Special Education | |
Pam | Shue | shuepl@appstate.edu | 828-262-2633 | Child Development | |
Communication | Susan | Poorman | poormanss@appstate.edu | 828-262-2221 | Communication Studies |
Lynn | Gibbard | gibbardlg@appstate.edu | 828-262-2218 | Communication Studies | |
Stephen | Daniel | danieles@appstate.edu | 828-262-2407 | Advertising | |
Kelly | Davis | daviskk@appstate.edu | 828-262-2403 | Electronic Media/Broadcasting | |
Carey | Maple | maplec@appstate.edu | 828-262-6531 | Communication Studies | |
Computer Information Systems | Samantha | Williams | fuentesse@appstate.edu | 828-262-2034 | Department Administrator |
Computer Science | Rahman | Tashakkori | tashakkorir@appstate.edu | 828-262-7009 | |
Jay | Fenwick | fenwickjb@appstate.edu | 828-262-2708 | ||
Courtney | Dixon | dixoncs@appstate.edu | 828-262-3127 | ||
English | Carl | Eby | ebycp@appstate.edu | 828-262-2156 | American Literature |
Jennifer | Wilson | wilsonjp@appstate.edu | 828-262-2338 | British Literature | |
Gail | York | yorklg@appstate.edu | 828-262-2155 | Rhetoric & Composition/ Non-traditional students | |
Bethany | Mannon | mannonbo@appstate.edu | 828-262-8545 | Rhetoric & Composition | |
Katherine | Abrams | abramskj@appstate.edu | 828-262-7108 | Rhetoric & Composition | |
Kelly | Terzaken | terzakenks@appstate.edu | 828-262-8556 | Rhetoric & Composition | |
Heather | Childress Custer | custerhc@appstate.edu | 828-262-2318 | Rhetoric & Composition | |
Finance, Banking & Insurance | Brandy | Hadley | hadleybe@appstate.edu | 828-262-6938 | |
Fine & Applied Arts | Jennifer | Hege | hegeja@appstate.edu | 828-262-7129 | Advising |
General Education | Kristin | Hyle | hylekm@appstate.edu | 828-262-2139 | |
Ted | Zerucha | zeruchat@appstate.edu | 828-262-8052 | Biology | |
Kurt | Steinbaugh | steinbaughk@appstate.edu | UCO/Veterans Section | ||
Geography & Planning | Kara | Dempsey | dempseyke@appstate.edu | 828-262-7442 | |
Geological & Environmental Studies | Andy | Heckert | heckertab@appstate.edu | 828-262-7609 | |
Steve | Hageman | hagemansj@appstate.edu | 828-262-6609 | ||
Ellen | Cowan | cowanea@appstate.edu | 828-262-2260 | ||
Government & Justice | Jeff | Holcomb | holcombje@appstate.edu | 828-262-6347 | Criminal Justice |
Cathy | Marcum | marcumcm@appstate.edu | 828-262-3075 | Criminal Justice | |
Kirstin | Morgan | morganka2@appstate.edu | 828-262-6167 | Criminal Justice | |
Marian | Williams | williamsmr4@appstate.edu | 828-262-6039 | Criminal Justice | |
Paul | Lucas | lucaspa@appstate.edu | 828-262-7913 | Criminal Justice | |
Ellen | Key | keyem@appstate.edu | 828-262-7916 | Political Science | |
Sarah | Novak | novakse@appstate.edu | 828-262-3085 | ||
Student Heath Services | Joanne | Sawicki | sawickijm@appstate.edu | 828-262-6956 | |
Health Sciences Advising Office | Catherine | Sherrill | sherrillca@appstate.edu | 828-262-6718 | |
Lisa | Bare | barelm@appstate.edu | 828-262-8976 | ||
History | Catherine | Turner | turnerce@appstate.edu | 828-262-6876 | |
The Honors College | Vicky | Klima | klimavw@appstate.edu | 828-262-7573 | |
Angela | Mead | meadad@appstate.edu | 828-262-2580 | ||
Languages, Literatures & Cultures | Alexandra | Hellenbrand | hellenbranda@appstate.edu | 828-262-7225 | German/Study Abroad |
Learning, Teaching and Curriculum | Ashley | Whitehead | whiteheadan@appstate.edu | 828-262-3162 | |
Mina | Minn | minm@appstate.edu | 828-262-2177 | ||
Library | John | Wiswell | wiswellj@appstate.edu | 828-262-7853 | |
Emma | Sobczak Schell | sobczakschellee@appstate.edu | 828-262-6903 | Transfer Liaison | |
Breanne | Crumpton | crumptonbe@appstate.edu | 828-262-2827 | ||
Math | Trina | Palmer | palmerk@appstate.edu | 828-262-2912 | |
Alana | Baird | bairdam@appstate.edu | 828-262-3080 | ||
Jaehee | Post | postjk@appstate.edu | 828-262-6613 | ||
Management | Ben | Powell | powellbc@appstate.edu | 828-262-8332 | |
Jack | Carson | carsonje1@appstate.edu | 828-262-8332 | ||
Marketing & Supply Chain Mgt. | Laura | Brewer | brewerll@appstate.edu | 828-262-6665 | Supply Chain Mgt. |
William | Northington | northingtonwm@appstate.edu | 828-262-2639 | Marketing | |
Media, Career Studies & Leadership Development | Herb | Brown | brownhf@appstate.edu | 828-262-3132 | Career & Technical Education |
Angela | Brown | brownaq@appstate.edu | 828-262-7656 | ||
Music | Scott | Kallestad | kallestadsd@appstate.edu | 828-262-3020 | Performance |
Kim | Wangler | wanglerkl@appstate.edu | 828-262-8674 | Music Industry Studies | |
Jonathan | Caison | caisonjg@appstate.edu | 828-262-3020 | Academic Advising | |
Philosophy & Religion | Tom | Ellis | ellistb@appstate.edu | 828-262-7780 | Religion |
Rick | Elmore | elmorerl@appstate.edu | 828-262-2422 | Philosophy | |
Physics | Brooke | Hester | hesterbc@appstate.edu | 828-262-6550 | |
Provost Office | Julie | Hayes | hayesjh@appstate.edu | 828-262-2644 | |
Psychology | Ken | Steele | steelekm@appstate.edu | 828-262-2272 | |
Lisa | Emery | emerylj@appstate.edu | 828-262-2272 | ||
Jacqueline | Belhumeur | belhumeurjr@appstate.edu | 828-262-8932 | ||
Mark | Zrull | zrullmc@appstate.edu | 828-262-8930 | ||
Lucinda | Payne | paynesmithlo@appstate.edu | 828-262-8959 | ||
Sandy | Gagnon | gagnonsg@appstate.edu | 828-262-8944 | ||
Doug | Waring | waringda@appstate.edu | 828-262-8962 | ||
Yalcin | Acikgoz | ackigozy@appstate.edu | 828-262-8926 | ||
Lauren | Keroack | keroacklj@appstate.edu | 828-262-8931 | Internship Coordinator | |
Public Health & Exercise Science | Travis | Triplett | triplttnt@appstate.edu | 828-262-7148 | Exercise Science |
Becki | Battista | battistara@appstate.edu | 828-262-3047 | Exercise Science/Research | |
Jennifer | Zwetsloot | zwetslootjj@appstate.edu | 828-262-6800 | Public Health | |
Adam | Hege | hegeba@appstate.edu | 828-262-7201 | Public Health | |
Carol | Cook | cookcb@appstate.edu | 828-262-7674 | Exercise Science | |
Rec. Management & Phys. Ed. | Erik | Rabinowitz | rabinowitze@appstate.edu | 828-262-2540 | |
Susan | Weidmann | weidmannsg@appstate.edu | 828-262-6328 | ||
Shannon | Cline | clinesd@appstate.edu | 828-262-8639 | ||
Rehabilitation Sciences | Jennifer | Howard | howardjs@appstate.edu | 828-262-7985 | Athletic Training |
Social Work | Emily | Dakin | dakinek@appstate.edu | 828-262-8205 | Dept. Honors Program Director |
Denise | Levy | levydl@appstate.edu | 828-262-5600 | ||
Kelly | Williams | williamska3@appstate.edu | 828-262-7942 | ||
Kayt | Warren | warrenk@appstate.edu | 828-262-8667 | ||
Kayla | Warren | warrenka@appstate.edu | 828-262-8210 | ||
Sociology | Bradley | Nash | nashb@appstate.edu | 828-262-2486 | |
Student Learning Center | Travis | Erickson | ericksontm@appstate.edu | 828-262-6986 | |
Student Affairs, Hickory Campus | Monica | Reed | reedmb1@appstate.edu | 828-262-7398 | |
Sustainable Development | Jennifer | Westerman | westermanjh@appstate.edu | 828-262-7248 | |
Sustainable Tech & Built Environ | Jason | Miller | millerdj1@appstate.edu | 828-262-3038 | Building Sciences |
Reza | Foroughi | foroughir@appstate.edu | 828-262-8563 | ||
Theatre & Dance | Martha | Marking | markngma@appstate.edu | 828-262-6377 | |
Gina | Grandi | grandigl@appstate.edu | 828-832-6971 | ||
Writing Center | Julie | Karaus | karausje@appstate.edu | 828-262-3144 | |
Sarah | Zurhellen | zurhellenss@appstate.edu | 828-262-3144 |